Winter 2022 Grading Policy Update 

Changes to the upper division major requirements: A grade of “Pass” in any courses taken P/NP during the Spring, Summer, Fall 2020, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 2021, and Winter 2022 quarter may be applied to the upper division major requirements.

For Students Starting in the Fall of 2017 or Later

The MIMG degree program offers 2 options by which undergraduates can obtain a Bachelor of Science degree. These options are known as Path 1 and Path 2. The requirements for each path depend on the individual student’s desire to pursue either a guided, team-oriented inquiry-based laboratory experience (Path 1) or an advanced, independent research experience in consultation with a faculty mentor (Path 2).

All students entering the MIMG major will be Path 1. To be admitted to Path 2, the student must be researching in a MIMG, MCDB, or other approved lab; have a GPA of at least 3.0; and, submit an application for consideration. Students must apply for Path 2 no later than Winter quarter of third year, however exceptions may be made for transfer students to Fall quarter of their fourth year. Consult with the Student Affairs Officer for more information on the application process. For students who entered before 2017 please visit the Student Affairs Office to obtain degree requirements.

Department Academic Policies

  • Each major course must be taken for a letter grade of C− or better, and students must have a minimum overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better in the major. Students receiving a grade of D or below in two major courses, either in separate courses or repetitions of the same course, are subject to dismissal from the major.
  • Any single course can be used in only ONE category of the major.
  • Courses do not have to be taken in the order outlined on this page.

Path 1

Required Foundation Courses

Quarter Course Units
All Chem 153A - Biochemistry 4
All/Sp Chem 153B OR MIMG 132 4
All Life Science 107 5
F, W MIMG 101 - Intro Microbio 4
W, Sp MIMG 185A - Immunology 5

Lab Course

2 Consecutive Quarters

Quarter Course Units
F+W; W+Sp
MIMG 103AL+103BL Virus OR 5+4
F+W; W+Sp MIMG 109AL+109BL Microbiome 5+4

Path 2

Required Foundation Courses

Quarter Course Units
All Chem 153A - Biochemistry 4
All/Sp Chem 153B OR MIMG 132 4
All Life Science 107 5
F, W MIMG 101 - Intro Microbio 4
W, Sp MIMG 185A - Immunology 5

Lab Courses

Complete all courses

Quarter Course Units
W+Sp; Sp+F MIMG 196A + MIMG 180A 4+2
W+Sp; Sp+F MIMG 196B + MIMG 180B 4+2

Focus Electives

Choose 2 courses

Quarter Course Units
All Chem 153B - Biochem: DNA,RNA 4
All Chem 153L - Biochem Lab 4
All MCDB 138 - Developmental Bio 5
All MCDB 165A - Biology of Cells 5
W MIMG 102 - Virology 4
F MIMG 105 - Biol Microscopy 4
Sp MIMG 132 - Cell Bio of Nucleus 4
W MIMG CM156 - Human Genetics 4
W MIMG 158 - Microbial Genomics 4
F MIMG 168 - Parasitology 4

Focus Electives

Choose 2 courses

Quarter Course Units
All Chem 153B - Biochem: DNA,RNA 4
All Chem 153L - Biochem Lab 4
All MCDB 138 - Developmental Bio 5
All MCDB 165A - Biology of Cells 5
W MIMG 102 - Virology 4
F MIMG 105 - Biol Microscopy 4
Sp MIMG 132 - Cell Bio of Nucleus 4
W MIMG CM156 - Human Genetics 4
W MIMG 158 - Microbial Genomics 4
F MIMG 168 - Parasitology 4

General Electives

Complete 4 units


  1. Continue taking Focus Electives
  2. MIMG Courses below
  3. Other Dept Approved Courses
Quarter Course Units
Sp MIMG C122 and/or MIMG 185B 2
W MIMG 191H - Honors Seminar 2
All MIMG 198 - Dept Hon. Research 4
All MIMG 199 - Research 4

General Electives

Complete 4 units


  1. Continue taking Focus Electives
  2. MIMG Courses below
  3. Other Dept Approved Courses
Quarter Course Units
Sp MIMG C122 and/or MIMG 185B 2
W MIMG 191H - Honors Seminar 2
All MIMG 198 - Dept Hon. Research 4
All MIMG 199 - Research 4