What is Structural and Systems Biology?

Biological functions often rely on interactions between multiple molecular players to generate systems level emergent properties. To develop a predictive mechanistic understanding of these interactions, we take a systems-to-structure approach.  

We combine experimental approaches in systems biology with quantitative and computational approaches to understand how biological systems are regulated at the atomic level. 

DNA model

Experimental approaches include:  

  • Live cell imaging 

  • Genomics 

  • Transcriptomics 

  • Proteomics 

  • Cryogenic  

  • Electron microscopy and tomography 

  • Metabolomics 

  • Lipidomics  

Quantitative and computational approaches include:  

  • Big-data bioinformatics 

  • Mechanistic mathematical modeling  

Affiliated Faculty

Alexander Hoffmann

Alexander Hoffmann, PhD

Thomas M. Asher Professor and Director of the Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences (QCBio)
April D Pyle

April D. Pyle, PhD

Professor and Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education and George and Nouhad Ayoub Centennial Chair in Life Sciences Innovation
Stephen T Smale

Stephen T Smale, PhD

Sherie L. Morrison Chair in Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics and Distinguished Professor