2025 MIMG Commencement Ceremony 

Sunday, June 15th, 2025
1:00 p.m. 
Kerckhoff Patio

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, Class of 2025! We are excited to celebrate all your accomplishments, hard work, and dedication with you and your loved ones. We are marking this momentous milestone with an in-person ceremony for graduates on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at 1:00pm in Kerckhoff Patio (of Kerckhoff Hall) at UCLA. 

Additional ticket ordering information will be posted to this webpage in Spring 2025. The MIMG Advising Office will email students relevant details in the coming weeks. To ensure you receive these communications, please verify your email address is current in MyUCLA.

Students, please review this Graduation Checklist for details on graduation requirements.

You are automatically eligible to participate in 2025 College Commencement if you:

  1. Have graduated Fall 2024 or Winter 2025, OR
  2. Completed 148 units by end of Winter 2025, and are declared to graduate Spring or Summer 2025.

If you do not meet the above eligibility criteria (for example, if your Degree Expecter Term is Fall 2025) but wish to be included in the 2025 College Commencement, you have to file a Special Inclusion Petition (SIP). To be included in MIMG's Commencement Ceremony, contact the MIMG Advisors at undergrad@microbio.ucla.edu 

Diplomas will be available about three months after you complete all of your degree requirements and graduate.  For more information, see: Diploma Availability and Release.

For information regarding the Letters and Science College ceremony please visit the Commencement website. Please direct any questions about the College Commencement Celebration via Message Center

All updates about the MIMG Commencement Ceremony will be sent through the undergraduate mailing list. Please ensure your email address is subscribed. If you're not on the mailing list (or if you'd like to confirm your subscription), please email undergrad@microbio.ucla.edu to be added.

Q: What’s the difference between “graduating” and “walking through commencement ceremonies”?

A: Students can graduate (that is, have completed all requirements for their degree and have stopped taking classes) during any quarter of the year. Then, several months after they have declared their degree expected term (through MyUCLA), they will be issued a diploma from UCLA. Commencement ceremonies, however, occur only once per year and you are invited to walk through these ceremonies whether or not you are actually graduating in Spring Quarter. This is the time for you to be publicly recognized by the university and your friends and family for your scholastic achievements. Participating in any commencement activities does NOT guarantee that you will actually earn a degree. You should consult a UCLA college and or departmental counselor for detailed information on satisfying degree requirements.

Q: Who may participate in the celebration?

A: MIMG majors who graduated in Fall 2024 and Winter 2025, and degree candidates for Spring and Summer 2025 may participate.

Q: Do I need tickets to bring guests to the celebration?

A: Each graduate will be allowed 4 complimentary guest tickets. You will need to indicate your participation and reserve your complimentary tickets on the MyUCLA ticketing system. No additional guest tickets will be provided.

All tickets for the MIMG Commencement Ceremony will be virtual tickets. You will receive email messages from tickets@cto.ucla.edu that contain links for you to receive your tickets. You will receive one message per ceremony for each of your graduate tickets and one message per ceremony for your guest tickets. Be sure you check the email account you have in MyUCLA, and check that email account’s spam folder for your ticket messages.

Q: Will provisions be made for my physical disabilities or those of my guests?

A: If you have a disability that will limit your ability to participate in the commencement ceremony, please contact undergrad@microbio.ucla.edu If you have guests with disabilities, call the Office for Students with Disabilities at (310) 825-1501 (voice), or (310) 206-6083 (TDD), ASAP to receive information about parking and other assistance at the Commencement. Sign language interpreters are available upon request. Guests with wheelchairs, disabilities or strollers are encouraged to arrive early.

Q: How do I purchase my cap and gown?

A: Graduation Etc. will begin taking orders for caps & gowns, announcements, diploma plaques and frames, Alumni Association memberships, and graduation gifts. Visit them online at the UCLA Store.

Q: Where can I get information about parking for graduation?

A: Current UCLA permit holders may park at their assigned spot during commencement without additional costs. You can pre-purchase parking passes for your guests. The UCLA Central Ticket Office will sell Pre-paid Commencement Parking Permits beginning in May. The UCLA Central Ticket Office is open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday.

Q: Where can I find other commencement information, e.g., directions to UCLA, campus maps, hotels, etc.?

A: Check out the UCLA Commencement Website.