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Lecturer, Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics
Instructional Consultant, CALeDNA / Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests:

Science education; communication, teamwork, and leadership development in and out of the classroom; gender, sexuality, and STEM


Amanda Freise is a lecturer at UCLA in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics and has been teaching since January 2017. Her primary courses are Research Immersion in Microbiology and Research Immersion in Virology, two course-based research experiences in which students complete an authentic research project. She is a CEILS-certified Scientific Teaching Fellow, a facilitator of the Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching, and an instructional consultant EEB 87 and EEB 108, two courses created in collaboration with the CALeDNA program.


Amanda co-created and currently facilitates the “Women in Science” support circle through the Graduate Programs in Bioscience at UCLA to discuss gender-related issues experienced by women in the sciences. As a graduate student, Amanda also developed the SciComm 101 series of workshops to train graduate students in communicating science more clearly, and co-founded Signal to Noise Magazinean online science-outreach publicationto create opportunities for graduate students to practice writing for a lay audience. Amanda has completed the Entering Mentoring curriculum, and is the recipient of UCLA’s Distinguished Teaching in the Life Sciences award. She earned her PhD in Molecular and Medical Pharmacology at UCLA in 2016; her dissertation research focused on engineering antibody proteins for use as highly specific probes for PET imaging.


Gaballa JM, Dabrian K, Desai R, Ngo R, Park D, Sakaji E, Sun Y, Tan B, Brinck M, Brobst O, Fernando R, Kim H, McCarthy S, Murphy M, Sarkis A, Sevier P, Singh A, Wu D, Wu M-Y, Ennis HA, Luhar R, Miller JE, Orchanian SB, Salbato AN, Alam S, Brenner L, Kailani Z, Laskow J, Ma X, Miikeda A, Nol-Bernardino P, Sukhina A, Walas N, Wei W, Do NP, Fournier CT, Kim CJ, Mosier SF, Pierson C, Romero IG, Sanchez M, Sawyerr O, Wang J, Watanabe R, Wu S, Chen A, Kazane K, Kettoola Y, Goodwin EC, Lund AJ, Villella W, Williams D, Freise AC, Moberg Parker J. 2019. Genome Sequences of Cluster K Mycobacteriophages Deby, LaterM, LilPharaoh, Paola, SgtBeansprout, and Sulley. Microbial Resource Announcements 8(2):e01481-18.

Kandlikar GS, Gold JZ, Cowen MC, Meyer MS, Freise AC, Kraft NJB, Moberg-Parker J, Sprague J, Kushner DJ, Curd EE. 2018. ranacapa: An R package and Shiny web app to explore environmental DNA data with exploratory statistics and interactive visualizations [version 1; referees: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 7:1734.

Mitchell K, Dao C, Freise AC, Mangul S, Moberg-Parker J. 2018. PUMA: A tool for processing 16S rRNA taxonomy data for analysis and visualization. bioRxiv 482380; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/482380

Freise AC, Zettlitz KA, Salazar FB, Tavar ́e R, Tsai WK, Hadjioannou A, Rozengurt R, Braun J, Wu AM. 2018. ImmunoPET in inflammatory bowel disease: Imaging CD4+ T cells in a murine model of colitis. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 59(6):980-985.

Freise AC, Zettlitz KA, Salazar FB, Lu X, Tavar ́e R, Wu AM. 2017. ImmunoPET imaging of murine CD4+ T cells using anti-CD4 cys-diabody: Effects of protein dose on T cell function and imaging. Molecular Imaging and Biology 19(4):599-609.

Freise AC, Wu AM. 2015. In vivo imaging with antibodies and engineered fragments. Molecular Immunology 67(2 Pt A): 142-52.

McGowan LD, Alaama RA, Freise AC, Huang JC, Charvet CJ, Striedter GF. 2012. Expansion, folding, and abnormal lamination of the chick optic tectum after intraventricular injections of FGF2. PNAS 109 (Supplement 1) 10640-10646.