Dr. Stevens is Professor (Emeritus), UCLA School of Medicine and a member of the UCLA Brain Research Institute. His recent research has focused on using EEG-derived measures to investigate Team NeuroDynamics in settings as diverse as Submarine Piloting and Navigation by Navy teams and high school problem solving. These studies are leading to quantitative teamwork models showing how teams cognitively organize in response to environmental and task changes. Recent awards include the Foundations of Augmented Cognition Award (2007), Best Paper, Behavioral Research in Modeling and Simulation Conference (2011), and the Admiral Leland Kollmorgen Spirit of Innovation Award from the Augmented Cognition Group (2012). The research support has been supported by the National Science Foundation, DARPA, Office of Naval Research, Dept. of Education and multiple private donors.
National Science Foundations (NSF), Defence Advanced Research Project Agency(DARPA), Team Results USA (TRU), Navy Submarine Research Laboratory (NSMRL), United States Department of Education (ED), Texas Technology Institute (TTU), Arizona State University (ASU), Advanced Brain Monitoring (ABM), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Stevens, R.H., Gorman, J.C., Amazeen, P., Likens, A., and Galloway, T. The organizational dynamics of teams, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences, 2013; 17(1): 67-86.
Stevens, R., Galloway, T., Berka, C., Behneman, A., Wohlgemuth, T., Lamb, J., and Buckles, R. Modeling the neurodynamics complexity of submarine navigation teams, Comput Math Organ Theory, 2012; DOI 10.1007/s10588-012-9135-9: .
Stevens Ronald H, Galloway Trysha L, Wang Peter, Berka Chris Cognitive neurophysiologic synchronies: what can they contribute to the study of teamwork?Human factors, 2012; 54(4): 489-502.
Stevens, R.H. Charting neurodynamics eddies in the temporal flows of teamwork, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting, 2012; .
Stevens, R.H., Gorman G Mapping cognitive attractors onto the dynamic landscapes of teamwork, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on human-computer interaction, Orlando, FL, 2011; .
Stevens, R.H., Galloway, T., Berka, C., Behneman, A., Wohlgemuth, T., Lamb, J., and Buckles, R. Linking Models of Team Neurophysiologic Synchronies for Engagement and Workload with Measures of Team Communication, Proceedings of the 20th conference on behavior representation in modeling and simulation, 2011; .
Stevens, R.H., Galloway T, Berka C, Behneman A A neurophysiologic approach for studying team cognition, Interservice/Industry training simulation and education conference (I/ITSEC), 2010; (10135): .
Stevens, R.H., Galloway T, Berka C, Behneman A Identification and application of neurophysiologic synchronies for studying team behavior, Proceedings of the 19th conference on behavior representation in modeling and simulation, 2010; 21-28.
Stevens, R.H., Galloway, T., Berka, C., Sprang, M. Can neurophysiologic synchronies provide a platform for adapting team performance?, Schmorrow, D.D., Estabrooke, I.V., Grootjen, M. (eds.), 2009; 5638: 658-667.
Stevens, R.H., Galloway, T., Berka, C., Johnson, R., Sprang, M. Assessing Student’s Mental Representations of Complex Problem Spaces with EEG Technologies Proceedings, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting, 2008; .
Stevens, R.H., Galloway T, Berka C Allocation of time, workload, engagement and distraction as students acquire problem solving skills, Schmorrow D, Nicholson D, Drexler J, Reeves L (eds) Foundations of augmented cognition, 2007; 128-137.