Research Interests

Molecular Biology Influenze (Orthomyxo) and Sendai (Paramyxo) Viruses

Major research effort in Dr. Nayak’s lab is directed towards understanding the molecular basis of viral pathogenesis with special emphasis on pathogenesis, replication, assembly, morphogenesis and budding of influenza, Sendai and HIV viruses. Current projects involve defining

  • (1) the function of different domains of influenza glycoproteins in polarized transport in epithelial cells;
  • (2) the interaction among glycoproteins, the matrix protein and the viral RNP during assembly and budding;
  • (3) functional basis of budding from the apical plasma membrane;
  • (4) the steps involved in virus assembly at molecular level;
  • (5) the role of matrix protein in budding and in viral pathogenesis;
  • (6) the role of host proteins in virus budding.

Kundu A, Nayak DP. (1994) Analysis of the signals for polarized transport of influenza virus (A/WSN/33) neuraminidase and human transferrin receptor, type II transmembrane proteins. J. Virol. 68:1812-1818.

Senderson CM, Avalos R, Kundu A, Nayak DP. (1995) Interaction of Sendai viral F, HN, and M proteins with host cytoskeletal and lipid components in Sendai virus-infected BHK cells. Virology 209:701-707.

Kundu AK, Avalos RT, Sanderson CN, Nayak DP. (1996) Transmembrane domain of influenza virus neuraminidase, a type II protein, possesses determinant for sorting to apical plasma membrane. J. Virol. 70:6508-6515.
Nayak DP. (1996) Assembly and Morphogenesis of Orthomyxo- and Paramyxoviruses. ASM News 62:411-414.

Biswas SK, Nayak DP. (1996) Influenza virus polymerase basic protein 1 interacts with influenza virus polymerase basic protein 2 at multiples sites. J. Virol. 70:6716-6722.

Avalos R, Yu Z, Nayak DP. (1997) Association of influenza virus NP and M1 proteins with cellular cytoskeletal elements in influenza virus infected cells. J. Virol. 71:2947-2958.

Nayak DP. (1997) Influenza virus infection. In: Encyclopedia of Human Biology (Dulbecco R, ed). Vol. 4:479-491.

Biswas SK, Boutz PL, Nayak DP. (1998) Influenza virus nucleoprotein interacts with influenza virus polymerase proteins. J. Virol. 72:5493-5501.

Nayak DP. (2000) Viral morphology, replication and assembly. In: Viral Ecology (Hurst C, ed) pp.63-124, Academic Press.

Ali A, Avalos R, Ponimaskin E, Nayak DP. (2000) Influenza virus assembly: the effect of influenza viral glycoproteins on the membrane-association of M1 protein. J. Virol. 74:8709-8719.

Barman S, Nayak DP. (2000) Analysis of the transmembrane domain of influenza virus neuraminidase, a type II transmembrane glycoprotein, for apical sorting and raft association. J. Virol. 74:6538-6545.

Ali A, Nayak DP. (2000) Assembly of Sendai virus: M protein interacts with the cytoplasmic tail and transmembrane domain of F protein. Virology 276:289-303.

Barman S, Ali A, Hui EKW, Adhikari L, Nayak DP. (2001) Transport of viral glycoproteins to the apical membranes and interaction of matrix protein with glycoproteins in the assembly of influenza virus. Virus Res. 77:61-69.

Hui EKW, Nayak DP. (2001) Role of ATP in influenza virus budding. Virology 290:329-341.

Nayak DP. (2001) Virulence of 1918 pandemic influenza virus. ASM News 67:386-387.

Van Lenten BJ, Wagner AC, Nayak DP, Hama S, Navab M, Fogelman AM. (2001) High-density lipoprotein loses its anti-inflammatory properties during acute influenza infection. Circulation 103:283-2288.

Van Lenten BJ, Wagner AC, Anantharamaiah GM, Garber DW, Fishbein MC, Adhikary L, Nayak DP, Hama S, Navab M, Fogelman AM. (2002) Influenza infection promotes macrophage traffic into arteries of mice that is prevented byD-4F, an apolipoprotein A-I mimetic peptide. Circulation 106:1127-1132.

Nayak DP, Hui EKW. (2002) Assembly and Morphogenesis of Influenza virus. Recent Res. Develop. Virol. 4:35-54.

Hui EKW, Nayak DP. (2002) Role of G protein and protein kinase signaling in influenza virus budding in MDCK cells. J. Gen. Virol. 83:3055-3066.

Nayak DP, Barman S. (2002) Role of lipid raft assembly and budding site on viral pathogenesis. Adv. Virus Res. 58:1-28.

Barman S, Adhikary L, Kawaoka Y, Nayak DP. (2003) Influenza A virus hemagglutinin containing basolateral localization signal does not alter the apical budding of a recombinant influenza virus in polarized MDCK cells. Virology 305:138-152.

Hui EKW, Ralston K, Judd AK, Nayak DP. (2003) Conserved cysteine and histidine residues of the putative zinc finger motiff of influenza virus M1 protein are not critical for influenza virus replication. J. Gen. Virol. 84:3105-3113.

Barman S, Adhikary L, Chakrabarti AK, Bernas C, Kawaoka Y, Nayak DP. (2004) Role of transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail amino acid sequences of influenza A virus neuraminidase in raft association and virus budding. J. Virol. 78:5258-5269.

Nayak DP, Hui EKW. (2004) The role of lipid microdomains in virus biology. In: Subcellular Biochemistry, vol. 37, Membrane dynamics and domains (Quinn PJ, ed), chapter 14, pp.443-491. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.

Hui EKW, Yap EM, An DS, Chen ISY, Nayak DP. (2004) Inhibition of influenza virus matrix (M1) protein expression and virus replication by U6 promoter-driven and lentivirus-mediated delivery of siRNA. J. Gen. Virol. 85:1877-1884.

Nayak DP, Hui EKW, Barman S. (2004) Assembly and budding of Influenza virus. Virus Res. 106:147-165.

Van Lenten BJ, Wagner AC, Navab M, Anantharamaiah GM, Hui EKW, Nayak DP, Fogelman AM. (2004) D-4F, an apolipoprotein A-I mimetic peptide, inhibits inflammatory response induced by influenza A virus infection of human type II pneumocytes. Circulation 110:3252-3258.

Nayak DP, Barman S, Hui EKW. (2006) Influenza virus budding: the role of host and virus components. In: Influenza Virus – Facts and Perspectives (Schmidt M, ed), pp.62-71. Grosse Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

Nayak DP, Barman S, Hui EKW. (2006) Influenza virus budding: the role of host and virus components. In: Influenza Virus – Facts and Perspectives (Schmidt M, ed), pp.62-71. Grosse Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

Hui EKW, Smee DF, Wong MH, Nayak DP. (2006) Mutations in influenza virus M1 CCHH zinc finger motif cause attenuation in mice and protect mice against lethal influenza infection. J. Virol. 80:5697-5707 .

Barman S and Nayak DP(2007) Lipid raft disruption by cholesterol depletion enhances influenza A virus budding from MDCK cells. J. Virol. 81(22):12169-78.

Nayak DP, Balogun RA, Yamada H, Zhou ZH, Barman S (2009). Influenza virus morphogenesis and budding. Virus Res. 2009 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]